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Embraer 190 - E190 Type Rating

Type Rating Embraer 190

The Airbus 320 Type Rating Course aims to train pilots to acquire all the knowledge necessary to understand the basic functions of the A320 airplane systems, use of the components of each system, training of operational procedures using Checklists and instruments.

UPRT Avançado

Training for recovery of upset positions of the aircraft is now mandatory for those who intend to work on an airline or enrol in a Type Rating.

a group of people with luggage walking to an airplane

Curso de Tripulante de Cabine

Get you dream job and never stop travelling! Every journey has its first step and the Cabin Crew Initial Training is the first one to pursuit a flight attendant’s career.

Instrutor de Voo

This is your opportunity to stand out and teach young aspiring pilots to fly. The FI (Flight Instructor) course is for those who believe that it is possible a difference by teaching others what they are passionate about.

IR – Instrumentos

This course represents one more step towards a professional career as a Pilot as it is a requirement to become an airline pilot.

MEP – Multimotor

The multi-engine rating is designed to allow you to fly as a Pilot in Command of twin-engined aircraft.

Voo Noturno – NR

The Night Rating (NR) course will build on the skills you learned as part of your PPL and adapt them to use in the hours of darkness.

Type Rating ATR 42/72

The ATR 42/72 Type Rating Course consists in training pilots to acquire all the necessary knowledge to understand the basic functions of the airplane systems, the use of the components of each system, training of operating procedures and use of Checklists and Instruments.