Offer available for limited time.
Prepare yourself for the technical exams since the initial phase of your ATPL(A) training with IFA.
Contact us to enroll yourself in the course!
IFA will make available to the next students enrolled in integrated ATPL courses, an additional item to the welcome material.This is an important study tool throughout a pilot’s career to prepare and have a competitive advantage in technical interviews: the Ace the Technical Pilot Interview book.
You will learn from our best-in-class teachers
You will have access to a cutting-edge technological aircrafts in your flight phase.
Our classes include the most updated content in this field
We know that the path for that is challenging and has several steps. An important one is the technical interview required for an airline job opportunity approval.
Prior preparation of the candidate is necessary in order to obtain a competitive advantage over competitors.
We will always be cheering for every new conquered step towards your dream career
Offer available for limited time.
Prepare yourself for the technical exams since the initial phase of your ATPL(A) training with IFA.
Contact us to enroll yourself in the course!